Шведское вязание: Коллекция узоров

Четверг, 03 Марта 2016 г. 17:20

Swedish Handknits: A Collection of Heirloom Designs

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Традиционные шведские узоры. Шапочки, перчатки, варежки. Даны
описания и схемы.

“Swedish Handknits is a collection of patterns for sweaters, hats,
scarves, mittens, headbands, and bags, all inspired by the historic
textiles housed at the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. The Institute was the first to host the successful Bohus
knitting exhibit in America, so it’s fitting that their world-class
textile collection provides the inspiration for these designs. As
in the authors’ Norwegian Handknits, vintage photographs of Swedish
immigrants, recipes, and photos of theartifacts that inspired the
designs will be included, along with a short history of knitting in
Sweden. Bohus, twined knitting, and Swedish mittens are some of the
many techniques featured in the book”

Год: 2012
Автор: Sue Flanders, Janine Kosel
Издательство: Voyageur Press
ISBN: 0760339643, 9780760339640
Язык: Английский
Формат: JPEG
Количество страниц: 145
Размер: 52.2 MB

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